Zebulon Café Concert
Los Angeles, CA
October 31, 2017
Night One of PSYCHO JAZZ IN L.A.
Curated by Wolf Eyes and Tim Leanse
Wolf Eyes (Detroit, MI - Lower Floor Music)
Wolf Eyes have decrypted lower floors of consciousness, transmuting the shadow world into a dank audio cosmos. Still-primal, their existential tension always finds new escape hatches via basement tactics loose and free. On Halloween, the band arrives in town for PSYCHO JAZZ IN L.A. appearing for the first time on the west coast as four-piece with member MV Carbon contributing cello and electronics to their psychic lurch. In an era of harsh vibes and confusion, this epic art rock unit finds connection in the chaos.
Hieroglyphic Being (Chicago, IL - Soul Jazz Records / RVNG Intl / Warp)
Hieroglyphic Being aka Jamal Moss is a producer and performer plying a trade of "rhythmic cubism and synth expressionism." Influenced by and identified with Chicago house music, Jamal expands the palette with industrial clang, global rhythms, and ambient atmospherics – reaching further out to unfurl a cosmic world inspired by Nubian mysticism.
Ever free, he too can pull dance music totally apart into gritty electronic abstractions, or wield the tech to improvise in the modes of spiritual jazz, as he has with Marshall Allen and Danny Ray Thompson of the Sun Ra Arkestra.
FlucT (Brooklyn, NY - Otion Front Studio / Daata Editions)
FlucT is the radical motion collaboration of Monica Mirabile and Sigrid Lauren. Violently intimate dance that gli-gli-glitches the signal of the culture machine. Their radical choreography and exorcism shake play out to soundscapes of their own devise – doses of pop psychosis. The pair's Los Angeles debut will be on Halloween at PSYCHO JAZZ IN L.A.
"…their performances often confront and challenge not only the space between their bodies, but between the performers and audience." -Daata Editions
Twig Harper (Baltimore, MD)
The original American intuitive esoteric Twig Harper is back and never left. Channeling expressions from other dimensions, this psychonaut has dissolved the ego and floated to the surface. The subterranean freak scene simply wouldn’t be free without Nautical Almanac. Though it's less about the method and more about the madness, his recent headventures have indeed included known schemes of electronic manipulation, tongue speak, and karmic riddles.
Peaking Lights DJ Set (dublab/NTS)
Facebook event page
Flyer by Sonya Sombreuil
Descriptions by Tim Leanse